Mandarin, English
Patent Attorney/Patent Agent/Arbitrator
Patent Bar Examination, China (2011)
Professional Field
Patent/trademark prosecution, patent drafting, patent search and analysis, patent invalidation and office action response, patent appeal and administrative litigation, patent infringement analysis and design around, infringement management, intellectual property education/training and research project.
Member of Board of Directors, Taiwan Patent Attorneys Association (TPAA)
Member of Board of Directors, Asia Patent Attorneys Association (APAA)
Vice Chairperson & IP Consultant,Patent & Trademark firm.
R&D Engineer, Electronic and Optoelectronic System Research Laboratories, Industrial Technology Research Institute
Patent Examiner, National Bureau of Standard (now TIPO)
Books / Lectures
Strategy for International Patent Application: The Case of Smartphone (EMBA thesis)
Taiwan Patent Law Essentials (Hanlu, published in October, 2005)
Hierarchical texture classification (Thesis)
Research of the Punishment Regulations of Patent Law (Thesis)
Discussion of Crime and Punishment in Patent infringement
Discussion of Patent Law 131
Discussion of Similarity and Difference in Patent
Examination and Patent Infringement
Discussion of Patent Infringement Assessment Guideline
Discussion of Industrial Applicability in Patentability Requirements
Research of Patent Licensing in Industrial Standards (coauthor)
Research of Patent Infringement Judgment in China (coauthor)
Instructor, Seed Teachers Training Course, Taiwan Intellectual Property Training Academy (TIPA) (Teacher of the Year, 2007/2008/2014)
Industrial Technology Research Institute
Chinese National Federation of Industries
Tze Chiang Foundation of Science and Technology
Productivity Center
Universities in Taiwan
MBA, EMBA Program, National Taiwan University
LL.M., Soo Chow Law School
M.S. in Electrical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University
B.S. in Control Engineering, National Chiao Tung University
Professional Training
Annual Meetings, Asian Patent Attorneys Association (APAA)